Oh, Deer!

Deer pose a significant challenge for New Jersey gardeners, necessitating careful consideration of the most suitable approach for your space. Many conventional methods involve the use of unsafe chemicals that disrupt the ecosystem. We prioritize employing safe and wildlife-friendly techniques to protect your garden.

To shield your garden from deer, a combination of methods can prove effective:

Deer Scram: Our initial recommendation is to utilize deer scram, a natural repellent derived from dried blood. Applied to the perimeter and targeted plants, deer scram emits an odor offensive to deer, deterring them from approaching and damaging your garden. This method is low-maintenance and minimally intrusive visually, but does need to be reapplied after heavy rain.

Horizontal Rope: As a supplementary measure, consider installing two lines of horizontal rope around your garden perimeter, positioned at approximately 30 and 50 inches above the ground. Deer, with their poor depth perception, are deterred by obstacles they cannot clearly see. They get spooked by bumping into the rope because they can’t figure out what is blocking their way. The causes hesitation and deters deer from entering your garden.

8-Foot Fence: For enhanced protection, erecting an 8-foot-tall deer fence around your garden offers a formidable physical barrier. Ensure the fence is sturdy, with no gaps or weak points that deer could exploit. Angling the top of the fence outward further discourages deer from attempting to jump over it.

 By integrating these methods, tailored to your garden's specific needs, you can effectively mitigate deer damage while maintaining a safe and harmonious environment for both wildlife and plants.


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